Thursday, November 12, 2015


For this picture, I cropped out the bottom of the image so you can't see anything other than the white of the table. I also made the picture black and white which does look cool, but at the same time it made some of the lines in the refracted part of the picture harder to see. I also don't like how I didn't get the full bottles in, because the background wasn't tall enough. I think this picture definitely could've been planned out better.
For this picture I cropped it a little bit, but I mostly just brightened it up and played with the greenness of the picture using color balance. I think this picture is much better than the first  color and detail wise, but I don't like the way the yellow bottle stands out way more than the clear ones.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Animal Photography

For this project I took this picture of my cat and cropped it so that you can't see anything distracting. I like the original colors in the picture so I only messed with the color balance a tad bit.

Reflection Project!

For this picture I played with the color balance and also used the clone stamp to edit out a reflection of a car that was behind me.

I brightened up the colors on the door handle in the picture and also added a black and white sketch effect to the rest of the photo so that the door handle reflection stood out in this picture!

For this picture I just put a long mirror on the ground and arranged these tea things on it neatly. I the used the color dropper thing to fill in the background so you only focus on the reflection.