Thursday, October 8, 2015

White Still Life

This is my first photo for the white still life project. The first picture is the original and the second picture is the edit. I was trying to make it a more dramatic black and white photo with an older feel to  it. It isn't my favorite photo, but i do think it was successful.
 This is my second photo for the white still life project. Again, the first photo is the original and the second is the edit. I was going for a sepia tone look. I used the color balance to get the color right. I also used the blur tool to focus in on the spiral of the toilet paper and the egg. I used the bandage tool as well for this project to clean up some of the random marks on some of the objects. I really enjoyed editing this photo and I definitely think it is better than the first.
 This is my last photo for the white still life project. (Original left, Edit right) This is my favorite of the three. The goal was to give the photo some color without making it crazy. I felt like a lot of people were giving there photos blue tints, so I decided to go with green to make it stand out more. I really love the placement of the items in this photo. I used the blur tool in this photo so your eyes really focus on the main objects in the photo. I love this photo, I think the color is awesome. The blur could be better, but over all, it is my favorite.

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